Staying home for extended periods of time can take an effect on your mood.
We feel you...
So here are some ideas we have to help keep the stay-home blues away!

1. Learn a new recipe!
Cooking more not only saves money but it makes mealtimes more interesting! Try out new recipes and cooking methods online. Or even take up baking! Who knows... You might start to love the kitchen (if you haven't already do)!
Cooking up dinner? Here are some dinner recipes that only take 15minutes or less!
Baking with only 5 ingredients? Check out this site for up to 90 baking recipes to try. We recommend trying out the Lemon Crisp Cookies!

2. Move a little
Clock in a quick workout... We know, workouts can be daunting. But with online workout videos you just need 10 to 15 minutes and voila! Workout completed. We recommend the Nike Training Club or Adidas #HomeTeam apps for free at-home workouts!

3. Try audiobooks
A great multi-tasking idea, audiobooks can help you take in new information while still doing other things, like cooking. Try out Audible for free audiobooks... Currently reading: Where the Crawdads Sing.

4. Binge watch Netflix!
Yesss, finally you have all the time in the world to binge watch that drama you've been dying to watch since January. Now is the time to catch up on your list of to-watch shows. Our team has been binge-ing on shows such as Itaewon Class, Money Heist & more... Check out our Instagram's highlight: #ssfwshares for more binge-worthy shows!

5. Clean & re-arrange furniture
Give your home, or room a fresh new look! Gain some interior design inspiration online and try to incorporate some design elements into your living space. We always love checking out what's on Pinterest, so much design "inspo" that we love! Have a look and maybe you will get inspired to jazz up your room too.

6. Video call your pals
During this time you might feel kind of lonely some days..but we can still e-hangout with our friends and family! Have a weekend game night together or just spend time chit-chatting!
psst..have you tried the House Party app?

7. Indulge in some online shopping!
Yup, this is the green light for you to indulge in some online retail therapy. Maybe not for yourself, but send a gift to a special someone and put a smile on their face :) Have you checked our iamaccb.sg? They post the latest discounts & deals on sites so you can save on your next shopping spree!

8. Tune in to our Spotify playlist
It's specially curated for this #StayHome period to help you get through the day together! Click here to follow and tune in with us ;)
What are some of your favourite go-to tips for making this #StayHome period more enjoyable? Let us know so we can try them out too :)